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March 2oo9
Salem Council on Aging
Board of Directors

Minutes from meeting of Wednesday, March 18, 2009.

Meeting called to order by Chair Kathleen Wilkinson, at 6:35 p.m.

Roll Call
Present:~ Kathleen Wilkinson (Chair, KW), Pat Donahue (Vice Chair), Elaine Heredeen (Treasurer, EH), Frank Clocher (FC), Jane Sarnowski (JS) and Domingo Alvarez (DA).

Absent:~James Willis, Donna Clifford and Joan Lovely.

Others Present: Andrew Lapointe (President of the Friend of the Council on Aging), Teasie Riley-Goggin (Friends), Lucy St. Cyr (Friends), Joan Sweeney (Friends), Doug Bollen (Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.) and Bill Woolley (Assistant Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.).

*Note:  Due to the lack of board members the board could not hold a quorum on January 21, 2009, no minutes were taken.

PD motions to dispense with the reading of minutes from the meeting of December 17, 2008, and to accept them; seconded by EH; unanimously approved.

Comments/Recommendations of the Chairperson

1.      KW addresses the board about the passing of Nancy Olbrych, an active member of the Friends of the Council on Aging.  Nancy was a friend to many, an advocate for the Friends and seniors, she will be missed.

Director’s/Assistant Director’s Report

1.      Doug Bollen (DB) begins by presenting the board with the 2009 Spring/Summer Recreation Brochure.  Bill Woolley designed and coordinated the project.  This is the largest booklet the department has ever put out; forty pages filled with programs for children, seniors and adults.  DB explains that this project was paid for through the recreation revolving fund, a fund that raises money through special events and programs.  The booklet also contains nine pages of ads paid for by twenty local businesses looking to advertise.  Thirteen businesses were first time buyers while seven were new.  The ads raised $4,000, essentially cutting the price of the $8,200 booklet in half.  Programs can be registered for online or by visiting the office.     
        PD asks BW if the booklet is in a different format compared to previous booklets.
        BW explains the booklet is in the same format but suggests that pages my                        look a little different.
2.      DB discusses the training of board members by the state’s Executive Office of Elder Affairs.  The next training will be held on Thursday, April 16th from 1-3:30pm at the Danvers Council on Aging.  Bill Woolley will escort board members to the training.

3.      DB informs the board that North Shore Elderly Services is having their major fundraiser on April 30th from 6-10pm at the Hawthorn Hotel.  DB has donated four rounds of golf to Olde Salem Greens, Witch House passes and purchased tickets to the event.  
         KW reminds DB that he also donated two, two year subscriptions of the Salem    Senior Power newsletter.

4.   A Salem Senior donated $1,000 to the Council on Aging; thanking Sharon Felton (Social Worker) for all the help she has given him and his family over the years.

5.  DB discusses the changes that were made to the Senior Tax Work off Program.  The City Council relaxed the requirements, allowing more seniors to be eligible for participation.  The amount a senior can receive went form $500.00 to $750.00 and the income eligibility threshold was also increased.  

6.   DB is happy to introduce two grants that the Council on Aging will be receiving.  He hands it over to BW to discuss one of the grants.  BW states the Council on Aging received a $6,000 grant for the hiring of a Bilingual facilitator.  The facilitator will be working with and reaching out to the bilingual community to identify and meet their needs.  BW explains that there is a slight problem with the grant that was given.  The $6,000 was given to the center to be spent over a 32 week period but the money must also be spent by June 30th.  BW is working with the head of Elder Affairs to work out the issue.  BW hands it back over to DB.  DB informs the board that the center is receiving $70,000 in federal money.  The money is going to be used for the purchase of new vans, potentially two.  

7. DB discusses special events and upcoming programs that the senior center is offering.  
        - St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon, Thursday, March 19 from 11-2pm, entertainment by Boston’s “Julie Andrews.”  The center has sold over eighty tickets.  
        - March is National Social Workers month.  The center is having an appreciation reception for Sharon Felton, Margaret Cull and Judy Calnan on March 25.
        - The Volunteer Appreciation Dinner is going to be held on Monday, April 27th from 4-7pm at the Ward 2 Social Club.  The dinner is to honor those who volunteer their time and belong to the number of different groups that keep the center running.
        - Tax Assistance is still available through April 14th.  Tax aids are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
        -The center is holding its Annual Book Sale from April 6-9.  All donations go to the center.

8. Transportation report:  In February 2009, we gave 1,326 duplicate rides, compared to 1,505 in February of 2008.  We had five new riders in February of 2009, compared to seventeen new riders in February 2008.  

9. Nutrition Report: In February 2009, we served 230 congregate meals, compared to 259 in February of 2008.  In February 2009, we handled 1,948 home-delivered meals compared to 2,560, in February 2008.  In January 2009, we served 230congregate meals, compared to 294 in January 2008.  In January 2009, we handled 1,920 home-delivered meals compared to 2,529, in January 2008.

10.  Easter Dinner at the Moose is going to be held on April 12.  Dinner will be served at 11:30am.  
        KW asks if there will be home delivered Easter Meals.  DB; yes.

Treasurer’s Report
DB begins by discussing the 10% budget cut to the overall department.  He discusses the rough fiscal time the city is facing and that layoffs are possible within the department.  DB is waiting to find out his options and the exact number of cuts.  Mid-year the budget was cut $10,000, DB pulled $5,000 from seasonal money and $5,000 from the Witch House, no senior money was used.   There are potentially ten to twelve union workers facing layoffs.  
        KW asks if this is city or state.  DB; they are city layoffs.  

DB discusses that for the past seven years he has faced budget cuts and level funding.
        KW asks if the television is new.  DB explains that the television was donated to the   center by the Knights of Columbus.  The television has a bad picture and the picture can        only be viewed from certain angles.  
        PD states that the Friends have not had a meeting for her to present the letter written by      DB requesting a new television for the center.  She will present the letter at the next         Friends meeting which will be held on March 25th.

DB asks the board to refer to the budget report sheet that he handed out at the beginning of the meeting.  He expressing that the top line, $95,371.47 will be effected with the coming layoffs. DB expresses concern with the money budgeted for vehicle parts and repairs; $5,000 is simply not enough to cover the maintenance and attention the vans need.  The donation account will be hit to avoid vans just sitting in the parking lot. DB states that he does not see where money can be cut from this budget and hopes line items are not affected.  The advisory donations are doing well, Title B; funded by NSES for our van drivers, Title C; funded by NSES, twenty one hours of the nutrition coordinators pay is paid for by this grant.  State Formula Grant; $12,000 and CDGB will be applied for again in 2010 for the funding of our van drivers.   DB worries that NSES will face cuts, they are currently level funded but if cuts happen it will effect the funding our center receives from them.  

        KW asks how many van drivers does to the center have and how many of them are full      time.   BW explains there are six van drivers and none of them are full time.  Full time        van driver positions were eliminated after the last round of cuts.

        PD asks what the $1,000 for Food is.  DB explains that is for the Volunteer Appreciation        dinner.

DB hopes that with the new senior center everything in it will be new and nothing from this building will be brought over.

Committee Reports
No Committee reports

Visitor Comments
KW asks the visitors if they have any comments.

Andrew Lapointe asks if he can address the board; KW approves.

AL asks the board if they would help him find strong candidates to join the Friends of Council on Aging.  AL is working with the senior center to help get the seniors items they need and wish to have.  After the loss of Nancy Olbrych, the board has three active board members.   AL is the President but has no Vice President to assist him with his duties. The Friends by-laws state that the board can have up to eleven members.  AL is looking to expand the board and feels that with a larger board more can be done.  AL also expresses that the Friends account has money but he is looking for ways to replenish the account once money is spent.  Andy asks the board for support in his quest to find candidates to run for the board in June 2009.  

PD asks AL if his current board wants to increase the number of board members.  AL explains that the first year the Friends existed there were nine board members, AL succeeded in changing the by-laws to eleven members.  AL at this time has no support to increase board members.  

KW asks AL how by-laws are amended with the Friends board and if a majority vote is taken.  AL says yes a majority vote is used to amend by-laws.   

Teasie Riley-Goggin asks if she may address the board, KW approves.

TC addresses the board stating that the board has lots of talent but does not tap into all theirs resources.~ TC feels that the board is lacking in involved with the seniors and the Council on Aging; not seeing them participate in events and programs.  TC feels they should be more involved with the day to day functions at the center.~ TC asks the board why this is.
KW explains to TC that the board makes policy and its Doug's, the Directors job to enforce the policies made by the board.
TC replies, the board sets policies but is not involved, this does not make sense.~ How can policies be made if there is no involvement.~
KW expresses that many board members are still working seniors; the center is open during work hours making it difficult to participate in activities and events.
TC states that~the board and the center are working but not always working together.~
KW~addresses TC concerns by stating that the problem over the past year is the negative/ positive energy and the discussion about the location and building of a new senior center.~ KW states that getting a new center will allow the board to flex their muscles and move forward with fresh ideas.~ The center currently is falling apart around everything that is happening there, there is nothing fresh that can be done.
TC states that the new center will offer 3,000 square feet of new working space but it is not going to change what the current senior center already has to offer.
PD then expresses her concerns with TC statements.~ PD is an active member in the events and activities that happen at the Salem Council on Aging, as well as attending activities at other centers surrounding the Salem community.~ PD says, “yes some board members work but I feel that I have extended myself to participate not only in activities but by being the liaison to the Friends of the Council on Aging, as well as attending Board member training sessions.  Those who can"~ PD explains that FC is the eyes and ears for the board, visiting the center daily and always attending special events and programs.~ The new center will allow the board to play new roles but the by-laws state that we only set policy.~ We are playing our role and we are doing well, with the new center we can do more.
        KW ends the conversation.  KW then asks if any other visitors would like to address the         board.
        Joan Sweeney asks if she may address the board; KW approves.
JS asks if the COA board is working with and has communication with the advisory committee that meets monthly at the center.
KW replies; yes we work with them.~ We are all volunteers working together.~
AL says that continued communication is necessary and things are working well.  
DB also states that the COA board is more of an advisory board, having less power than some of the boards that exist within the city.~ He uses the Park and Recreation Commission as an example; each board has different authority.
        KW asks TC if she needs a copy of the COA by-laws to review and look over.
        TC states that she already has a copy.
Next Board Meeting
April 15, 2009 at 6:30 pm.

KW recommended to adjourn, motion to adjourn by EH; seconded by FC; unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30p.m.

Minutes prepared by Meghan E. Murtagh